
56. What happens if I get COVID-19? 47. How many times have I checked my blood glucose levels? 40. What if I get too sick to work? 15. Is this the first sign of diabetes-related blindness? 22. Can I afford to see a psychologist? 50. Do I need kidney check? 55. Have I had a flu shot? 114. Do I need kidney check? 174. Do I need to go to the chemist? 18. Did I hear that correctly, diabetes is the leading cause of amputations? 126. Is that an ulcer on my foot? 51. Have I packed enough insulin? 14. Is my vision blurry? 58. Can I afford my diabetes supplies? 94. Why am I hypo at 3am when I just went to sleep? 38. Should I be better at managing diabetes? 27. What’s that tingly feeling in my feet? 23. Where can I find a good diabetes educator? 32. Will I lose my driver’s license? 7. If I bolus now, how long before the main course arrives? 46. Why is my blood glucose level so low? 108. Is my blood glucose meter accurate? 28. Did I bolus for that sushi roll? 20. What if I have to have my foot amputated? 12. Did I remember to take my metformin? 8. Can I exercise? 24. I wonder if I need to see my endocrinologist again? 103. If I exercise will my blood glucose levels go crazy? 159. Do I have hypo treatments with me? 43. Am I losing feeling in my feet? 39. Should I have private health insurance? 78. When did I last get my eyes checked? 17. Is that ulcer going to get serious? 33. What if I go blind? 81. Will living with diabetes ever be easy? 54. Is it safe to exercise? 2. How many carbs are in that? Do I need to bolus for it? 117. Can I have a day off from diabetes? 135. Were they just judging me for my diabetes? 26. Will I be able to exercise today? 52. Why don’t people know more about diabetes? 1. Do I need to check my blood glucose levels? 166. Is my heart beating funny? 44. Will there ever be a cure? 5. Why is my blood glucose level so low? 11. Why has my CGM dropped out? 145. Should I worry about this? 128. What if I have to have my foot amputated? 35. Why is my blood glucose level so low? 49. Can I go on holiday? 60. Why is this so expensive? 95. Why is my blood glucose level so high? 180. Why do I have to make 180 decisions a day? 21. When did I last get my eyes checked? 3. Has my insulin gone bad? 172. What if I’m a burden on my family? 30. If I exercise will my blood glucose levels go crazy? 29. Did I do this to myself? 42. What’s that tingly feeling in my feet? 10. Why is my diabetes device not working? 53. Am I bad at diabetes?